Posted on: September 26th, 2020

The University of Hertfordshire is running an online study investigating why some people are finding it difficult to adjust to the easing of lockdown restrictions. They are asking participants to fill out an online survey with questions relating to how you are coping and your thinking style.
This survey is open to those over 18 years and it should take 30 minutes to complete. All answers will be kept anonymous.
This study is not exclusively directed to individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, but they would like to have a good number of participants with OCD to enrich their sample size and possibly run some subgroup analyses specifically on this group. Click here to take part.
This survey is open to those over 18 years and it should take 30 minutes to complete. All answers will be kept anonymous.
This study is not exclusively directed to individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, but they would like to have a good number of participants with OCD to enrich their sample size and possibly run some subgroup analyses specifically on this group. Click here to take part.