Orchard Funds New Medical Device Study for OCD – Seeking Participants Now 

Posted on: November 16th, 2020

Orchard is funding a new research study looking at whether a new medical device can help treat OCD. The study is also looking for OCD patients who would like to participate in it.

Researchers are recruiting people with OCD local to Hertfordshire or Southampton in the UK to participate in research investigating effects of transcranial direct current stimulation as a potential new approach to reducing OCD symptoms.

Transcranial direct current stimulation involves delivering a very small electric current to stimulate areas of the brain, via an electrode placed on the scalp. It has been found to be well tolerated and helpful for people affected by different conditions such as depression and chronic pain. It has not so far been rigorously studied in people with OCD.

There are three conditions in this study: these options involve either stimulating one of two different areas of the brain or using an inactive (fake) stimulation. All participants in the study will receive all three conditions.

These conditions will occur over the course of eight weeks. The study will last 12 weeks in total including the last follow up planned 28 days after the final stimulation.

If you are interested in participating or finding out more, please contact Hertfordshire telephone the OCD team administrator Janine Hopkins (01707 364055) or e-mail the study co-ordinator Ms Roisin Mooney (r.mooney@herts.ac.uk), for Southampton telephone the University Department of Psychiatry on 02382 310 764 or email Dr Hugo Amaro (h.j.f.amaro@soton.ac.uk) for a copy of the study information sheet or to arrange to talk to a member of the study team.

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